Re: CERT, about NFS

Oliver Friedrichs (iceman@MBnet.MB.CA)
Thu, 22 Dec 1994 13:51:15 -0600 (CST)

On Thu, 22 Dec 1994, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> 	I recall an old bug (possibly in a CERT advisory)
> about NFS and exporting to localhost.  I can't remember what
> it is off the top of my head, and I'm not at school to look it up,
> but I think it was something along the lines of if you mounted
> a filesystem to localhost permissions were no longer checked for
> some reason.

The problem was that poor implementations of the portmapper would forward 
a mount request for you (proxy).  When they did this, it appeared as 
though the request was coming from 'localhost', thus anyone with access 
to your portmapper could mount any file systems exported to 'localhost'.
Essentially from anywhere on the net.

- Oliver